In 2018 the director of the the Campus program, Will Ramsay, was invited to Khartoum by the Goethe-Institut to explore the possibility of setting up a Campus in Sudan. On the 3 day trip extensive discussions were held with musicians and music institutions in Khartoum. As a result of the trip it was decided to apply for a EUNIC grant to start a new Campus in Sudan.
After the trip the Goethe-Institut in Khartoum and the Global Music Academy (GMA) began planning the new Campus and the Goethe-Institut applied for a grant from EUNIC to implement it.
In July 2019 an online application was circulated in the country and there were 320 applications from interested musicians. After extensive interviews 90 participants were selected for auditions.
In October 2019 seven GMA trainers travelled to Khartoum and spent 4 days auditioning the 90 candidates. A group of 37 candidates were selected for the 16 day training which was held at the University Guest House in Khartoum.
During the Campus the participants discussed the program extensively and on the last day it was agreed that a new organization would be developed to run the future academy and a steering committee of 3 people was selected to develop the academy project.
With the assistance of the German Foreign Office ‘Instrumentenspende’ program instruments and equipment for the new academy have been acquired. In addition a second grant will enable the establishment of a training program in sound design. New equipment was also procured for this through the assistance of the German Foreign Office. A separate training program for sound designers and event managers has also been set. This will enable the future academy to offer sound design as part of its curriculum in the future.
Sama Music Festival
Two very successful concerts were staged during the Sama Music Festival. At the second concert the trainers also performed together with one of the greats of Sudanese music, Abdelgadir Salim, in a special performance featuring the 7 trainers together with 7 Sudanese musicians backing Abdelgadir Salim.
Due to Covid 19 the planned Sama Music Campus for 2020 has undergone some changes. As it will be impossible to implement a live training with the international trainers the partners have decided to convert the 2020 Campus to an online training format. The partners are developing the online format and will test it later in the year. After adjustments the online Campus will take place in November 2020. While this kind of format cannot replace the experience of live teaching it will at least enable the trainees to continue learning until the live format is able to take place again. To this end the GMA is programming a Learning Management System (LMS), to make this possible.