Moving Online
COVID 19 has forced the Global Music Academy (GMA) to rethink how we operate as an educational institution. In order to mitigate the effects of COVID 19 we are working with our partners in Africa to develop a new Learning Management System (LMS).
The new system is currently being programmed and will allow the GMA manage both the capacity building and online training centrally and monitor the progress of the trainees throughout the year, ensuring that the trainees will always have access to advice and new information. We will also be able to issue transcripts of academic records and certificates to the trainees to enhance their qualifications.
In addition, when the programming is completed all the partner academies will be able to acquire the new system allowing them to manage their own online activities by offering online classes to all the registered students. The partners are also looking at ways of acquiring the equipment to develop their own online content.
Apart from the academic modules the program also contains a modern computer-based music academy management system which will enable the partners to move all their operations onto the system including student acquisition and management, financial management as well as the management of external income generation services like studio recording, PA hire and rehearsal space to improve their sustainability. Once the system in installed in each academy it will also allow each partner to offer online courses to students countrywide.