Goethe-Institut (Ethiopia)
The Goethe-Institut partnered in the development of the East African Campus from its outset in 2014 and gave major assistance in 2015 and 2016. The GI was a co-funder and partner in the EAGMC in 2017/18. Currently it is the co-funder and partner in the East African Creative Music Campus grant with the European Union for 2020/21. In addition it is also assisting with the development of the Orupaap Cultural Foundation as a partner in the new Campus.
Jazz Amba School of Music (Ethiopia)
Jazzamba provides a nurturing learning environment for young Ethiopian Musicians looking for a quality music education based on their own cultural identity. Jazzamba is a unique center for education and research which provides a platform for young artists to develop their skills and contribute to the development of Ethiopian music. Jazzamba provides a cultural bridge between young Ethiopian musicians and the rest of the world.
Orupaap Cultural Foundation (South Sudan)
Orupaap is located in Juba in South Sudan. We strive to create a stimulating artistic atmosphere where young people can learn the value of their own culture and develop a sense of identity and the value of human relationships and a shared humanity. At the Orupaap Cultural Foundation we seek to awaken the true potential of young people by allowing them to explore their creative identity through the arts in a structured educational environment.
Action Music Tanzania (Tanzania)
Action Music Tanzania is currently developing the first professional music training program for young musicians in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania using an innovative new curriculum being developed together with the Global Music Academy in Berlin through the East African Global Music Campus with the support of the Goethe-Institut and and European Union. The Action Music Academy opened at then end of 2019.
Goethe-Institut (Tanzania)
The Goethe-Institut partnered in the development of the East African Campus from its outset in 2014 and gave major assistance in 2015 and 2016 as well. The GI in Tanzania is was a partner in the EAGMC in 2017/18 and is currently a partner in the new EACMC grant. The GI also partners with the new Action Music Academy in Tanzania.
Bayimba Academy (Uganda)
The Bayimba Academy is the education program of the Bayimba Cultural Foundation offering a comprehensive range of training and exchange programs designed to enhance creative, professional and entrepreneurial skills among artists, thereby stimulating inter- and intra-disciplinary collaborations and improving their career opportunities in their chosen field. Over the next five years the Foundation will develop its current informal training program into a structured arts education program to be hosted at the future Bayimba Centre for Visual and Performing Arts. The 2 year professional training program being developed at the East African Global Music Campus will become an integral part of this program and in 2018 the Bayimba Music Academy was founded to implement the results of the Campus training.