European Commission
The European Commission is a major partner of Global Music International. It is co-funding the East African Global Music Campus in 2017/18 and the East African Creative Music Campus in 2020/21 through the Erasmus + Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia.
German Foreign Office
The German Foreign Office funded the initial contact trip to South East Africa in 2009 and the pilot campus in Dar es Salaam in 2010. The research and documentation program in Zimbabwe has been made possible through funding from the Kulturerhalt program of the German Foreign Office through the German Embassy in Zimbabwe. The Foreign Office has also provided invaluable assistance through its ‘Instrumentenspende’ program.
The Goethe-Institut in Munich provided critical assistance to the workshop tour 2015 and 2016 East African Campus through the Music Section. In addition they funded the pilot campus in Sri Lanka in 2017/18. The Goethe-Institut also co-funded the EAGMC and is currently co-funding the EACMC in East Africa. In addition they initiated the Sama Music Campus in partnership with EUNIC.
Siemens Stiftung
The Siemens Stiftung assisted the South East and East African Campus project through funding the creation of audiovisual teaching aids for the program.
Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken
The Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken (The North-South Bridges Foundation) supports development education projects as well as projects by East German NGOs and their partners in more than 50 countries. The Foundation is supporting the Action Music Academy Project in Tanzania.
EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture
Sudan and Europe: Creative Connections. The program aims to reinforce the promotion and sustainable development of culture in Sudan and strengten the cultural relationship between Sudan and Europe. The project focuses on music, fashion, literature, archeology and cinema. EUNIC is supporting the Sama Music Campus through the program.