For 2020 the consortium of partners in the East African Creative Music Campus (EAGMC) won a second EU Erasmus+ grant co-funded by the Goethe-Institut.
The new consortium included a fifth partner, the Orupaap Cultural Foundation in Juba, South Sudan. Orupaap participated as an external partner with the support of the Goethe-Institut in Addis Abeba in the previous grant. The other four partners are the Action Music Academy, Tanzania, the Bayimba Music Academy, Uganda, The Ballanta Music Academy, Sierra Leone and the Jazzamba School of Music in Ethiopia.
In the new grant brass and woodwind instruments have been included for the first time. In addition the consortium decided to set a quota of 3 female trainees from each country in the music training program. The decision to impose a quota was taken to ensure that female musicians were given access to the training and to empower women in music in the region.
There are 3 main activities planned.
1. East African Creative Music Campus – this mobility activity will provide training in the 2nd year of the curriculum for a total of 42 trainees from the 5 countries involved. Two Campuses will be held in Addis Abeba. The German Foreign Office has also provided instruments through the ‘Instrumentenspende’ Program.
2. Business Development Workshop – this capacity building activity will strengthen the capacity of the partners to develop sustainable programs using the curriculum. The first workshop was held in Dar es Salaam in February 2020 attended by 15 participants from the 5 partner countries as well as 7 participants from South East Africa. The training was carried out by a group of expert trainers from South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania and Germany. The workshop covered the following areas (running a sustainable social enterprize, developing a solid business case and cashflow sheet, grant writing and fundraising, advocacy and using a pitch deck, child protection and gender equality. The second workshop will take place in Kampala, Uganda.
3. Advocacy Forums – Five Advocacy one day forums will be held in each partner country where the partners will present their business cases and advocate for support for their programs with the various stakeholders and target groups (education ministries, schools, music industry and musicians etc.). A final forum will be held in Berlin at the end of the program to present the project to a wider European audience to advocate for more support and new partners.
Project Aims and Objectives
The project aims to empower young musicians through musical training & capacity building within the partner organisations. The action is intended to increase employment opportunities for youth, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to improve training techniques, to create further innovative new curricula for non-formal learning and to develop skills in (social)entrepreneurship, fundraising and advocacy enabling the partners to market their program and the musicians they train effectively and sustainably within the creative economy.
Furthermore, the project aims to link the partners to the market through a partnership with the creative business communities in each country to develop their business models in consultation and cooperation with the stakeholders and target groups within the education system and the music industry. This will allow for the exchange of good practices and innovative ideas at a regional and local level to develop the music education link in the value chain based on the real needs of these groups within creative economy in each country.
Specific objectives:
1. To build the managerial capacity of the youth organizations to integrate their programs into the music industry value chain by developing effective business models, creating strategic partnerships with stakeholders (non-formal/formal education/music industry), developing fundraising capabilities and improving entrepreneurial skills.
2. To enable the youth workers to capture their rich musical heritage and develop innovative new teaching materials to preserve, promote and pass on their musical traditions to future generations by focussing on developing instrumental technique coupled with a core curriculum imparting essential core musical skills.
3. To capacitate (disadvantaged) youth workers to develop the non-formal music education sector to its full potential by providing new, attractive teaching/learning methods and organizational skills, gain access to further education and the job market through lowering the learning threshold using experience/action orientated methods rather than an academic approach.
4. To empower young people to engage in local/interregional markets/networks thus contributing to growth of a diverse, dynamic and sustainable cultural sector.
5. To create an internationally compatible non-formal music education system based on the European Credit Transfer System using learning outcomes, modules & credit points. This will increase the mobility of learners and create opportunities for teacher/student exchange within the region and with partners within the European community.
2021 - 2022
Due to Covid 19 the grant has been suspended until 2021. The partners are currently developing their online learning capacity by programming a new learning management system (LMS). This system will allow them to conduct online training to bridge the gap in the training until the first campus can begin in Addis in 2021. In addition, once the system is fully developed the partners will be able to install the LMS to run both their administration and the academic programs through a single online system.