Ministry of Education Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
The Sri Ministry of Education is providing the teachers training college for the pilot campus Sri Lanka and also accommodating all the participants.
Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies (Sri Lanka)
The Swami Vipulananda College of Music and Dance (SVCMD) was established in 1981 by the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Hindu Culture. Subsequently, the SVCMD was handed over to the Ministry of Higher Education in 2001 and affiliated with the Eastern University, Sri Lanka in 2002 when the University Grants Commission permitted EUSL to enroll diploma holders of the Swami Vipulananda College of Music and Dance for a degree programme in the Department of Fine Arts. Then the SVCMD was renamed as Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies.
Centre for Performing Arts Jaffna (Sri Lanka)
Founded in Jaffna in 1965, The Centre for Performing Arts is Sri Lanka’s longest standing organization using arts for peace building. The centre focuses on the performing arts as a method for conflict resolution, healing and promoting co-existence and mutual cooperation between people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Because of their unique method of approaching peace building, the Centre were able to spread from Jaffna to all other areas of the country. At present there are more than 25 centres in different parts of the Sri Lanka, speaking both Sinhala and Tamil.
Bulbulik Heritage Centre (Pakistan)
Bulbulik Heritage Centre Gulmit, known as Bulbulik Music School is the first Wakhi/Pamirian folk music School in Gojal valley, upper Hunza in Gilgit/Baltistan. The Bulbulik is a project of the Gulmit Educational & Social Welfare Society (GESWS), initiated with an aim to preserve and promote the rich but endangered heritage of Wakhi people living in the Gojal valley.