Faisal Kiwewa

Faisal Kiwewa is the Director of the Bayimba Cultural Foundation in Uganda. He has many years of experience as a Cultural Manager in Africa. He is the co-ordinator of the Organizational Development Workshop in Uganda where he also teaches the Creative Training in Cultural Management module.
He founded the Bayimba Cultural Foundation which runs the International Festival of the Arts and regional festivals around the country as well as the Bayimba Academy which runs a comprehensive arts education program. He is also the founder and director of the East African Performing Arts Market (DOADOA) the meeting place for the East African Arts community.
He worked for the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) as program producer and editor He is a also board member of Music in Africa Foundation. He has an MA in Arts Management and a certificate in cultural economics from Academia Vitae, Deventer in the Netherlands.
East African Campus: Co-ordination
Organizational Development Workshop Uganda: Overall Co-ordination, Management Training
Modules: Creative Training in Cultural Management
Country: Uganda
Institution: Bayimba Cultural Foundation